
Roolipelit ja sarjakuvat

Tampere Kuplii, 24.3.2019 15-16
Marianna Leikomaa, Jaakko Stenros, Jukka Särkijärvi

HUOM! Lista ei ole todellakaan 100% ihan kaiken kattava!

Roolipeleihin suoraan perustuvat sarjakuvat:

80-90-lukujen taitteessa, DC:n julkaisemia
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons (DC) #1-36, Annual #1
Avatar (DC) #1-3
Birthright®: The Serpent's Eye (TSR freebie)
Dragonlance (DC) #1-34
Dragonlance (TSR freebie)
Dragonlance Saga (TSR) #1-3
Dragonlance Saga (DC) #4-5
Dragon Strike® (Marvel) #1
Fineous Fingers collection (TSR)
Forgotten Realms (DC) #1-25, Annual #1
Forgotten Realms: The Grand Tour (TSR freebie)
Gammarauders (DC) #1-10
Labyrinth of Madness (TSR freebie)
Planescape® (TSR freebie) [finished, but never printed]
SnarfQuest collection (TSR)
Spelljammer® (DC) #1-15
TSR Worlds (DC) Annual #1

Devil's Due:
Dragonlance: The Legend of Huma #1-6
Dragonlance: Legends #1-3
Dragonlance Chronicles, Vol. 1: Dragons of Autumn Twilight #1-8 2005
Dragonlance Chronicles, Vol. 2: Dragons of Winter Night #1-4
Dragonlance Chronicles, Vol. 3: Dragons of Spring Dawning #1-12
Eberron: Eye of the Wolf
Forgotten Realms I: Homeland #0-3
Forgotten Realms II: Exile #1-3
Forgotten Realms III: Sojourn #1-3
Forgotten Realms IV: The Crystal Shard #1-3
Forgotten Realms V: Streams of Silver #1-3
Forgotten Realms VI: The Halfling's Gem #1-3
Forgotten Realms VII: Legacy #1-3
Forgotten Realms VIII: Starless Night #1

Moonstone: 2011->
Vampire the Masquerade: Beckett
Vampire the Masquerade: Blood & Loyalty
Vampire the Masquerade: Calebros
Vampire the Masquerade: Giovanni
Vampire the Masquerade: Isabel
Vampire the Masquerade: Nosferatu
Vampire the Masquerade: Lucita
Vampire the Masquerade: Theo Bell
Vampire the Masquerade: Ventrue
Vampire the Masquerade: Toreador
Vampires and Werewolves: Nightmares in Our Midst
Werewolf the Apocalypse: Black Furies
Werewolf the Apocalypse: Fianna
Werewolf the Apocalypse: Bone Gnawers
Werewolf the Apocalypse: Glass Walkers (Only in the second collection)
Werewolf the Apocalypse: Get of Fenris

Dungeons & Dragons (Fell's Five) 0-16 (2010-2012), Annual
Dark Sun 5
The Legend of Drizzt: Neverwinter Tales, 5, 2011
Eberron, 2, 2012
Forgotten Realms, 5, 2012
Forgotten Realms: Cutter, 5, 2013
Legends of Baldur's Gate, 5, 2014
Shadows of the Vampire, 5, 2016
Frost Giant’s Fury, 5, 2017

Pathfinder (Dynamite):
Pathfinder, 1-12, 2012
Pathfinder: City of Secrets
Pathfinder: Hollow Mountain
Pathfinder: Goblins, 5
Pathfinder Origins, 6
Pathfinder: Worldscape, two volumes
Pathfinder: Runescars
Pathfinder: Spiral of Bones

Roolipelejä käsittelevää sarjakuvaa

Strippejä Dragon-lehdessä vuosien varrelta:
SnarfQuest, What's New?, Wormy, Yamara, Fineous Fingers, Pinsom, Tal'n'Alan, The Twilight Empire (Robinson's War), Floyd, and Knights of the Dinner Table, Shopkeep, Dork Tower, Nodwick,

Die 1-4
The Wicked + The Divine
Dream Daddy #5
Rat Queens
Rick and Morty vs. Dungeons & Dragons, by Patrick Rothfuss, Jim Zub, and Troy Little

The Adventure Zone: Here There Be Gerblins (Pohjautuvat Actual Play -podcasteihin)
The Adventure Zone: Murder on the Rockport Limited!
Critical Role: Vox Machina Origins 1-6

Scales & Scoundrels, by Sebastian Girner and Galaad
Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon?, by Fujino Omori, Kunieda, and Suzuhito Yasuda
Delicious in Dungeon, by Ryoko Kui
Gloom Cookie: Serena Valentino
Record of Lodoss War, enimmäkseen Ryo Mizunon kirjoittamia
Haiyore! Nyaruko-san, by Manta Aisora
Chroniques de la Lune Noire, Francois Marcela-Froideval (englanniksi saatavilla nimellä Black Moon Chronicles)
Rise of the Dungeon Master

The Order of the Stick
Existential Comicsin ajoittaiset roolipelijutut (esim.
Dresden Codak, kaksi Dungeons & Discourse -sarjista:

Sarjakuviin perustuvia roolipelejä

Marvel Heroic Roleplaying (2012, Margaret Weis Productions)
Marvel Super Heroes (role-playing game) (1984, 1986, TSR)
Marvel Super Heroes Adventure Game (1998, TSR)
Marvel Universe Roleplaying Game (2003, Marvel Comics)

Batman Role-Playing Game (1989, Matfair Games)
DC Adventures (2010, Green Ronin Publishing)
DC Heroes (1985, 1989, 1993, Mayfair Games)
DC Universe Roleplaying Game (1999, West End Games)
Smallville Roleplaying Game (2010, Margaret Weis Productions, perustuu tv-sarjaan)

Armored Trooper VOTOMS: The Roleplaying Game
Big Eyes, Small Mouth (Viralliset lisäosat perustuivat animeihin, ja Slayers D20 on spinoff niistä. Fushigi Yuugi, Serial Experiment Lain, Trigun, Revolutionary Girl Utena, Hellsing ja Parallel Dual.)
Bubblegum Crisis (role-playing game)
Demon City Shinjuku Role-Playing Game
The Dominion Tank Police Role-Playing Game
Dragon Ball Z: The Anime Adventure Game
El-Hazard Role-Playing Game
Macross II: The Role-Playing Game
Project A-ko: The Roleplaying Game
Robotech (role-playing game)
Robotech: The Shadow Chronicles Role-Playing Game
Sailor Moon Role-Playing Game and Resource Book
The Slayers d20
Tenchi Muyo! (role-playing game)

Artesia: Adventures in the Known World
The Authority Role-Playing Game
Big Bang Comics (role-playing game)
Burning Empires (role-playing game) ( Iron Empire -sarjis)
Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (role-playing game)
Elfquest (role-playing game)
Fanhunter, el juego de rol épicodecadente
Flash Gordon & the Warriors of Mongo
High Adventure Cliffhangers Buck Rogers Adventure Game
Judge Dredd (Mongoose Publishing, Travellerin säännöt, 2009)
The Judge Dredd Roleplaying Game (Mongoose Publishing, d20 System, 2002)
Judge Dredd: The Role-Playing Game (Games Workshop, 1985)
Judge Dredd & The Worlds of 2000 AD Tabletop Adventure Game (EN Publishing, 2019)
Legends of Anglerre
The Metabarons Roleplaying Game
Mouse Guard Roleplaying Game
Prince Valiant: The Story-Telling Game
Sláine: The Roleplaying Game of Celtic Heroes
The Slayers d20
Starblazer Adventures
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles & Other Strangeness
Usagi Yojimbo Role-Playing Game
Ironwood (Theatrix-roolipelin lisäosa)
The Adventures of Luther Arkwright

Osa Conan-roolipeleistä otti mittavia vaikutteita sarjakuvista. (näitä on ainakin TSR:n Conan, Mongoosen Conan D20 ja Modiphiuksen Conan: Adventures in an Age Undreamed Of)